The Creative Kids Club


The Creative Kids Club is in it’s Final Pilot Phase, before we launch the Kids Art School for All kids. Which is an Inclusive Art and Cultural Community that offer programs to kids all walks of life.
As we progressed in previous program, we noticed that we were working on a specific group and that our program was not offering the space to welcome kids from other walks of life, such as ‘Special Onderwijs as well as Kids from Imeldahof and Duna un Man’.

With this in mind we decided to start a final pilot phase to make sure we accommodate the mix groups to the best of our abilities so that all kids can be resilient to one on another as well as have an harmonious community where kids are given the voice to participate in their own education collectively (together).

The Project

The CKC  – Art for all kids program is an inclusive multiple curriculum art program, for kiddos to appreciate and learn their art of preference and to connect on a social artistic level with their peers. Arts experiences inspire and engage students, and often shape their lives.

As we proceed with the concept of making the CKC a year round Art School, seeing the impact we have on the community but also the result we deliver on a much brother spectrum than just art classes; we have been contacted by many parents, schools and other institutions to see the possibilities to help create of make the program accessible to special needs kids too. Meaning that we will have an ALL – INCLUSIVE ART and CULTURAL KIDS PROGRAM; education that includes everyone, with non-disabled and Disabled people (including those with “special educational needs”) learning together.

The Goal

For our next 3 month phase pilot adding on that art, culture and life skills as an inclusive curriculum, that will consist of Stage – Visual Arts – Dance – Music – Wellness & Happiness. We are ready to inspire more kids on the island also by expanding the Kids Club into a “Jeugd Journal” format of 15 min sharing the Art and Culture platform to other kids at home. Making art and culture accessible to all kids.