“Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.”
Connectivity remains an issue on Aruba. This was especially apparent after the start of the Pandemic and the (Global) Lockdown. Teachers and students in Aruba were suddenly forced to teach and learn from home, on the internet, using personal devices they had at home. This is were the challenges presented themselves. Many (more than we think) families at home do not have devices (Tablets, Desktops, Laptops) at home, or do not have enough, or do not have working internet at home.
On the other hand, allot of us (including those who currently have no functioning devices) have old and discarded devices laying around (as waste) that are one ‘refurbishment’ or repair away from functioning. Or we have ‘parts’ and mouses/keyboards/monitors laying around that when combined with functioning computers are perfectly usable.
The Project
This ongoing project got the further push and buy-in it needed from a 100 Innovations participant. This project aims to crowdsource and collect used devices, refurbish them as needed, and distribute these devices to supply schools and students around the island. The goal is to have a central location where people can donate or contribute in any way to equip as many students as possible.
The Goal
This project aims to equip and connect as many school computer labs, and potentially students, possible with functioning devices. Certain organizations (public and private) on Aruba have already contributed with among others SKOA and other educational organizations, and some Labs are already being equipped!
“One man’s trash, is another man’s treasure”